Many of you already have heard but I thought I would take a second to write about the split bottom pants I saw on some small kids in china. The three kids I saw seemed to all be 3 years old or under..... But they wear pants with the back end cut out.
I had been told about this a while back, but had the first kid I saw walking down the street...I was very confused! He had on navy blue pants, but right down the back of the pants was a very light color. I thought that was a strange design or a big bleach stain......when I got closer I saw that it was not a stain but the little boy's bottom and the back of his legs!!! I told my Chinese friend, "he sure has a big hole in his pants" she laughed and explained to me that the pants had been cut out. The child is trained to squat and go to the bathroom through the open pants!! I wish I had gotten a picture, but I wasn't brave enough to snap a picture of a little kid's rear....but it sure was cute and quite comical!
-Audra : )