Saturday, June 12, 2010


Hey guys! We are waiting at our gate and will probably board in about an hour or a little over that. I am so enjoying being able to travel with Tammy! It makes the time go by so much faster. Also, I am happy that we were able to get our seats switched so that we can sit by each other on this next long portion of our trip. I am a little excited about flying on Korean Air because I have heard that they do a really good job of taking care of you.:). I am also happy that when I get off this flight I will see KJ!!!! Poor Tammy will not be finished with her flying and will have 5 1/2 more hours to go to Tailand! She is not too excited about all of that flying!! We are both doing well though and in good spirits and having fun. The iPad has also helped keep us entertained.
:). It has been so fun and easy to update this blog that Kyle set up for me... All I have to do is send an email to the blog and it updates automatically. I never knew you could even do that! My smart husband:D
I normally hate public restrooms...but I have been doing my best to appreciate our American public restrooms. Lol. I know soon that will be a luxury of the least for China anyway...not sure about Korea...but soon to find out!
I love you guys! :)
Sent from my iPad